大学英语读写1翻译(北师大版英语九年级全一册课文原文及翻译UNIT 1)

北师大英语九年级全一册课文原文及翻译UNIT 1

Unit1 Language---Reading(1)

Body language is an important form of communication that is used everywhere, although we don't often think about it. Some messages are understood by people around the world simply because they are not communicated by words. For example, in many countries, people nod their heads to show agreement and they put their fingers up to their mouths to ask for silence.


However, body language is used differently in different cultures. For example, in some western cultures, people shrug their shoulders to show they don't understand or they don't care about something. This isn't common in other places. In Asian countries, such as Japan, people bow to show respect when they greet each other or say goodbye. This isn't done in the West.


Sometimes, people think they know about the body language customs of certain cultures, but in fact, they don't know enough. Take bowing as an example. Many travellers aren't sure how to bow or when to bow while in Japan. Kissing is another example that we need to learn about. In many European cultures, women and children are kissed on each cheek by family members or friends when they meet in the street. New friends are often greeted with a kiss on the cheek by Europeans at parties. Two men usually shake hands and put their free hand on each other's shoulders. In the Middle East, you must be careful about your feet. It is very rude to show the bottom of your shoe when you rest one leg on top of the other. It is also not polite to touch people with your shoes.


So, as we can see, body language is just as important as the spoken language when we communicate with people from other cultures.


Unit1 Language---Reading(2)

Well, I don't know how you all feel, but I find English really difficult. There are just so many words to remember, and the language structures are so difficult to understand. My problem is that I can't remember all the new words and I find long passages difficult to understand. I'm so worried. How can I improve my English?


Don't worry, David. I often use chants, songs and pictures to help me remember new words, and they're quite useful. I also check the number of words I can remember each day. Then I'll test myself again after one or two days. For very difficult words, I'll review them again one or two weeks later. The important thing is to review the new words often.


For long passages, you should try to understand the general meaning and key points first. And for language structures, the best way to remember them is to use them. Try to do more reading, listening, speaking and writing in English. The more you use them, the easier learning English will be.


As for me, I like to check my learning progress once a week. I usually make a list of things I do well and those I don't. Then I'll set my goals and work out a learning plan to achieve them. I find it very useful, and my English has improved a lot. By the way, I always reward myself when I achieve my goals.


Never give up, David. Learning English is hard, but your English is already very good. I'm sure you'll find a learning method that suits you. Remember, we're all good at different things and we can all make a difference!


Unit1 Language---Reading(3)

Hi. I'm Minghua from China. I'm learning English and I feel so frustrated. There are just so many new words to remember and English grammar rules are really confusing. I become very nervous when I speak English, too. What should I do?


Hi Minghua,


Don't be frustrated. Learning a new language is not easy. I can share some of my learning tips with you.


For vocabulary, I think it's useful to make word lists for different topics. For example, you can make lists for fruit, vegetables and animals. Then you can review them whenever you have time. The more you review, the more easily you'll remember! And when you want to speak or write on a certain topic, you can refer to those lists.


As for grammar rules, I've used pictures and tables to help me, for example with verb tenses. I've also tried to put difficult structures into songs, but I think the best way to remember grammar rules is to use them. These methods work well for me. You can have a try.


In the past, I was also very nervous when I spoke English in class because I was afraid of making mistakes. Then, I tried to talk to myself. Whenever I was alone, I just talked to myself in English. It worked. Now I no longer feel nervous when I speak English in class!


I hope these tips are helpful for you. I am sure you will feel less frustrated soon.


Good luck!




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